The Confraternity of St. James PBO, Hungary

The Confraternity of St. James PBO was founded in 2012 with the aim of working as an official organization for the promotion of the Camino and the St James cult. The association is a Public Benefit Organisation.


Members of the association:



Members and officers of the association carry out their work on a voluntary basis, in their free time and without any remuneration.

The activities of our association:

  • the Camino de Santiago - briefly Camino - in Hungary, which is a part of the European cultural heritage, passing through several European countries;

  • Caring for St. James's Honor in Hungary;

  • the construction of the Saint Jakab pilgrimage, the signposts, the accommodation of the European Camino, the continuous care of the way;

  • promoting the Hungarian section of the Camino in Hungary and introducing it to Camino organizations abroad, participating in domestic and international meetings, presentations and media appearances;

  • organizing pilgrimages on the Way of St James;

  • to facilitate the participation of pilgrims on the Way of St. James;

  • cooperation with other Camino-related domestic and foreign organizations.

  • community-forming: organizing pilgrimages, club events, forums, experiences, exhibitions and excursions;

  • the involvement of volunteer helpers in the construction and maintenance of the pilgrimage as well as the pilgrimage work.


Szent Jakab Baráti Kör közhasznú egyesület
(The Confraternity of St. James PBO)
H-9155 Lébény, Fő út 80.
Postaddress: H-1191 Budapest, Simonyi Zsigmond u. 29.

Pilgrim offices:- ZarándokZug, 1055 Budapest, Nyugati tér 6. Open: Monday and Thursday 17.00-19.00- ZarándokPont, 6729 Szeged, Zentai u. 31. Open: Wednesday 18.00-19.30Accounting bank: Magnet BankSWIFT / BIC: HBWEHUHBAccount owner: Szent Jakab Baráti KörIBAN: HU61 1620 0144 1850 6178 0000 0000

Documents (only in Hungarian):
Founding order
Reports: 20122013201420152016201720182019202020212022